Hi Arpparian’s,

Welcome to the latest ARPP Newsletter. This edition include:

  • Central Coast Woy Woy Lunch Invitation
  • Update of ARPP Events
  • Teacher Shortage Submission
  • Professional Register Nominations
  • Member Profile
  • Welfare Update
  • NSWPPA Conference
  • Stewart House & FOSH News
  • Public Ed Media Updates



You are invited to attend the ARPP Central Coast lunch on Thursday 13th October 2022 at the Bayview Hotel and Brasserie, 2/16 The Boulevarde, Woy Woy. We can meet for drinks from 11.30am for a 12.30pm lunch. This lunch has been organized by Central Coast members Noel West and Geoff Buckland.

The Bayview Hotel is just 300 metres from Woy Woy Station. All Sydney to Newcastle and Newcastle to Sydney trains stop at Woy Woy.

Those attending this lunch, order and pay for their own choice of lunch on the day. ARPP will provide wine with lunch.

Please send your attendance advice to Maurie Bird on maubird@ozemail.com.au or by phone on 0434148141 before Thursday, 7th October, 2022. This will help Maurie to give Noel and Geoff the numbers, so that they can advise the Bayview Hotel.

We have enjoyed several lunch meetings at Woy Woy over the years and look forward to seeing you there.


Best regards,

Geoff Buckland, Noel West, Maurie Bird, Tom Croker.


–  NEWCASTLE -On 30 June a Lunch Meeting was held at Adamstown in Newcastle providing an opportunity to catch up with our Newcastle & District colleagues. It was great to chat with 20 retirees who attended and were treated to a wonderful lunch. A Stewart House Raffle on the day raised $150 and our special thanks to member Brian Collins for coordinating the event.


 – EMPEROR’S GARDEN – On THursday 8 September we held our city Lunch Meeting at the Emperor’s Garden Restaurant Haymarket commencing with a Meet & Greet at 11.30am at Covent Garden Hotel. 30 Members were in attendance and we were treated to a very delightful lunch providing the opportunity for a catch up with our colleagues. A big thank you to Vice President Heather Causley for the coordination



In support of our colleagues and a fair go for public education we submitted our Response to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Teacher Shortages. This is attached and will also be posted on our website.

Our special thanks to Secretary Kerryanne Knox for the coordination of the Submission.



Due to the extensive wet weather, this will now be held at Massey Park Golf Course in October. The day is open to ARPP members & friends, to club & social players. Executive Committee member Ray Gentles will be coordinating the day.


A big thank you to those members who have returned their Member Profile information. To date we have received 30% and we would encourage those members yet to complete their profile to do so asap. The information enables us to update

our database and provide us with details of your years of service.


Our member for this edition is Suzie Smith who trained at Nepean College of Advanced Education (WEstmead Teachers College). Suzie’s first teaching appointment was to Guise PS followed by Sarah Redfern PS, and then a period of time as a Liverpool Region DSP Consultant.Suzie then moved to become Assistant Principal at Warragamba PS then on to Campbelltown North PS as Deputy. Suzie was then appointed as Principal at Campbelltown North and then as Principal of Macquarie Fields PS from where she retired.

During her career Suzie served on the PPA State Conference Committee as a member, Executive Officer and Convenor. Suzie also was Convenor for the South Western Sydney Regional Conference.

A wonderful career. Well done Suzie

6. PROFESSIONAL REGISTER– As mentioned in earlier Updates we are planning to establish a Professional Register which will provide the opportunity for members to contribute to discussions and issues on behalf of the ARPP.

The NSWPPA would also welcome our assistance with matters relating to the Reference Groups.

To that end we are now calling on interested colleagues to nominate an area of interest relating to the current Reference Groups:

Reference Groups

Aboriginal Education                                                          Principal Support

Assessment Planning & Accountability                              Schools for Specific Purposes

Asset Management                                                              Student Wellbeing

Curriculum                                                                          Teaching Principals

Disability Programs                                                             Technology

Finance & Administration

Human Resources

In addition there are several Standing Committees that can be included:

Leadership, Legal Issues, Rural Education, Communication & Engagement

If you would like to be involved with any of the above Groups please advise Secretary Kerryanne Knox (kknox@bigpond.com) or Geoff Scott (geoff.scott@det.nsw.edu.au)


Our thoughts and well wishes go to Alan Laughlin, Malcolm Sandstrom and Brian Anson who are recovery from recent medical treatment

VALE: Sadly, since our last Newsletter the following colleagues have passed away:

Tom Larkin – for those who can recall the Glenfield Conference days Tom was a great supporter of the Conference and remembered especially as the ‘Movie Man’ providing lots of fun and enjoyment with his selection of movies

He was a great guy and the life of the Glenfield Conference. He had a great passion for army vehicles and on one occasion turned up with an old army tank much to the delight of all in attendance.He met regularly with the                                 FOGS (Friends of Glenfield) and will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

John Notley – John was the principal of Gymea Bay PS from 1995-2011 his last principalship. Prior to that he had been Deputy Principal at Engadine West PS under the principalship of Bob Smith and where he gained his 4th List.

He was a past member of ARPP for several years and great mates with Mick Tattam. Robyn Evans, the current NSWPPA President worked with John at Gymea bay PS had this to say about John

” John was deliberate in his intent and cherished the absolute essence of his school & community, the staff and students.The opportunities were endless for every student and staff member.Iam humbled John saw something in me and I am ever grateful he pushed me forward to explore what might be possible. That’s a legacy!”.

Greg Prior –   Greg, a former Primary Principal, CEO and Deputy Secretary School Operations (formerly known as DDG) passed away on  Saturday10 September. A special Tribute to Greg is being prepared as a special Notice for members and friends who have shared in his outstanding career.


A reminder that the Conference will be held from 1-4 November at the Wentworth Hotel. This year it is being hosted by the Australian Primary Principals Association.

The invitation to Life members has been circulated and takes place on Thursday 3 November commencing at 12.00pm followed by lunch and the NSWPPA Awards session.

Please Remember to Register for the day.


This is our Charity of Choice which has since it began over 90 years ago has supported 150,000 students. This is a unique organisation for public schools in NSW & ACT not seen anywhere else in Australia with the purpose to change lives of students in difficult circumstances and give them hope & aspirations for the future.

The target of 1600 students in a 12-day Residential program has been not possible during the pandemic and is currently limited to 40 students during Terms 2 & 3. The good news is that the number will return to the full quota of 86 students in Term 4

Special thanks to those principals & staff that assist with the coordination of students attending Stewart House.

The decline in revenue from the salary contribution scheme continues and now only provides 30% of the annual operating expenses.

Stewart House continues to promote Strategies for increasing the contributions and greater awareness of the needs of Stewart House with representation being made to NSW Department, Premier & Cabinet and NSW Teachers Federation. A recent Meeting with the PPA President and SPC President highlighted the importance of promoting support from teachers and principals.

All teachers & principals, both current and retired, are encouraged to support the campaign. 


10. FOSH Update

ARPP is a major driver of the Friends of Stewart House, and it is pleasing to have it back in action. There have been two events to date: another Wine Drive which raised $1,625.00 and a recent fund-raising outing to Doyle’s for a wonderful lunch.

It is pleasing to note that FOSH, despite the downtime due to COVID, was recently  able to donate $10,000 to support Stewart House.

Thanks to everyone who supports this very important organisation We appreciate your ongoing assistance and commitment to Stewart House.



We Welcome back Malcolm Sandstrom, Barry Cant, Alan Kerr & Bruce Thompson who have renewed their membership for 2022

We continue to seek your support in promoting our organisation as a strong advocate for our schools,

Leaders & NSWPPA and a continuing voice for public education. ARPP was established to provide an

avenue for retirees to keep in touch and to be able to meet and share their life in retirement.

All retirees whether they are metropolitan, or country can be involved through the various groups as they

meet during the year. If there is anyone whom you would like to contact, please inform Kerryanne Knox at

kknox@bigpond.com, President Tom at mtcroker@bigpond.net.au. or Geoff Scott at geoff.scott@det.nsw.edu.au.


Attached are articles which I am sure will be of interest to many of you  regarding the current views on funding and support for our public education schools.


Stay well and travel safely

ARPP Executive Committee


A Public Education Agenda for the New Education Minister
ARPP submission Response to Trevor Cobbold Waiting for Gonski - A Review Essay Revised

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